By enabling smooth digital processes
without having to exclude a single user group, we contribute to a more equal and happier society for all
For more than twenty years, we have invested in long-term customer relationships, where the real value for the customer consists of beautiful and smart solutions that meet the real need. After all, our motto is Human IT with humanity.

The core of digital services is the human experience
Our solutions focus on streamlining processes, enhancing user experience, reducing costs, and leveraging data. Yet, at the heart of our approach is people. We prioritize long-term customer relationships, fostering growth through attentive listening and bold innovation.

Provide your users with humane, smart and easy-to-use digital services
At Consilia Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering user-friendly digital solutions designed to simplify the daily operations of organizations. Our range of ready products is crafted with a human-centric approach, ensuring intuitive usability and seamless integration into existing workflows. Whether it's streamlining communication, optimizing workflow management, or enhancing productivity, our solutions empower organizations to navigate their day-to-day tasks with ease and efficiency.